Espacio Vista | Madrid, Spain | Two person exhibition with Pablo Carpio
September 15, 2017 - November 10, 2017
Curated by Ana Saracho
Espacio Vista and Ars COCO present as part of the second edition of Hybrid Festival an installation of the works of Pablo Carpio and Denise Treizman.
Their practices develop an ingenious challenge to the conventions that have traditionally defined the plastic discipline, discovering new areas of convergence where the languages of painting and sculpture intertwine to become an almost autonomous entity.
The works pay special attention to the material components of the artistic object, its skeleton, its skins, the processes that configure it and the space that houses it. They attempt to understand what is truly essential, what is immutable, and what, on the contrary, is , can be transformed.
Espacio Vista y Ars COCO presentan como parte de la segunda edicion de Hybrid Festival una instalacion de las obras de Pablo Carpio y Denise Treizman.
Sus practicas desarrollan un ingenioso desafio a los convencionalismos que tradicionalmente han definido la disciplina plastica, descubriendo nuevas areas de convergencia donde los lenguajes de la pintura y la escultura se entrelazan para convertirse en un ente casi autonomo.
Las obras prestan especial atencion a los componentes materiales del objeto artistico, su esqueleto, sus pieles, a los procesos que lo configuran y al espacio que lo alberga, tratando de entender que es lo verdaderamente esencial, lo inmutable, y que, por el contrario, puede transformarse.